
תודה לך רבי


Thank You Rebbi

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: מירי ישראלי - Miriam Israeli

לחן: יצי וואלדנר - Yitzy Waldner

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

I had a teacher
A Rebbi in my life
Who made me what I am today
I was too young thento know that Id owe
A debt I could never repay
Now, we were no angels
But Rebbi stayed on
He saw something we couldnt see
Year after year at the front of the class
Building the world that would be
He couldve been a doctor
accountant, a lawyer
Had wealth and a fancy degree
He couldve chosen to go for the gold
But instead my Rebbi chose me
How I wish you could see that the message you taught
(x2 the lessons weve learned)
Remains with us all of our lives
Rebbi, just know that youre changing the world
You do it one child at a time
Countless talmidim who stand up and say
Thank you, dear Rebbi
Every day
I had a teacher
A Rebbi in my life
But its only now when Im grown
I realize that teacher and Rebbi of mine
Had a family and life of his own
And Id like to tell them
You all have a zechus
Because you were there to support
Like Rabbi Akiva who said of his wife
All that is mines really yours
May you all have brochos
And share joy and nachas
And blessings for eternity
You could have chosen to go for the gold
But with you, my Rebbi chose me
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