



את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: להקת היום השמיני - The 8th Day

לחן: להקת היום השמיני - The 8th Day

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

 Sometimes I stand tall
Sometimes I crumble
Sometimes I stand strong
And sometimes I stumble
Sometimes I talk straight
Sometimes I mumble
Sometimes I touchdown
And sometimes I fumble

My words they do not grow on that perfect tree
If you speak a little broken than you speak like me
I did not fall from that perfect tree
If you’re a little broken than you’re just like me

It’s written in your eyes that you’re a fighter
You’ve held the power for so long in your hands
It’s not about the latest moves that makes a fighter
And you don’t need the perfect score to dance

Sometimes I walk proud
Sometimes I’m humble
Sometimes I’m real nice
And sometimes I’m trouble
Sometimes I’m up high
Sometimes I tumble
Sometimes I stand still
And sometimes I rumble

My words they do not grow on that perfect tree
If you speak a little broken than you speak like me
I did not fall from that perfect tree
If you’re a little broken than you’re just like me

It’s written in your eyes that you’re a fighter
You’ve held the power for so long in your hands
It’s not about the latest moves that makes a fighter
And you don’t need the perfect score to dance

Hold your candles in the air soldiers of light
Soldiers of light, soldiers of light
Fight for the rhythm like you fight for life
Soldiers of light, soldiers of light
Pick up all the pieces until we make this thing right
Soldiers of light, soldiers of light
Your heart’s a battlefield and the fight’s tonight
Your heart’s a battlefield and the fight’s tonight

It’s written in your eyes that you’re a fighter
You’ve held the power for so long in your hands
It’s not about the latest moves that makes a fighter
And you don’t need the perfect score to dance
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