
Never Letting Go


Never Letting Go

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: סופיה פרנקו - Sophia Franco

לחן: ייצי וואלדנר - Yitzy Waldner

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

Seeing you
I can only stare
All wrapped up in lace, that veil on your face
is it you under there?
Remember that first step you took
When I let you walk away?
Oh, it feels like that again, tonight

On this night
The memories surround
A sash on your dress, your face all a mess
now look at that gown
Remember that first bike we bought
When I let you ride away?
Oh, itt feels like that again, tonight

The moment that I held you in my arms
I knew it then
I promised I would keep you safe from harm
I always will
Never letting go
Never letting go
Of you
Years are flying by
Tears are in my eyes
I will always love you

Now, all grown up
So many people say, don’t worry
It all went too fast
I thought it would last
you’re in such a hurry
I need to hold this moment
Ohhh…Just give me some more time
Tonight, just tell me you’ll be fine

The moment that I held you in my arms
I knew it then
I promised I would keep you safe from harm
I always will
Never letting go
Never letting go
Of you
Years are flying by
Tears are in my eyes
I will always love you

Always remember
I will be here by your side
My joy, my sunshine, always my pride
Don’t need to worry
Don’t need to fear
oh my child
Ill be here for you
Ill be here for you

The moment that I held you in my arms
I knew it then
I promised I would keep safe from harm
I always will
I think I’m letting go
think i’m letting go
Of you but this you need to know
I'm never letting go
I will always love you
I will always love you
Always love you

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