
אלה היו הלילות


Those Were The Nights

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: יוסי טויב ו אלי גרסטנר - Yossi Toiv & Eli Gerstner

לחן: אלי גרסטנר - Eli Gerstner

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

 Bubby burned the Latkes every Chanukah
Forgot them in the frying pan each year
While we were having fun playing Dreidle
Smoke alarms were wailing everywhere
Firemen were breaking all the windows
Zeidy closed his eyes, began to pray
Those Latkes had no luck 
Our mouths bit down & stuck 
But Bubby made us eat them anyway
Those were the nights of Chanukah
I remember long ago
When our family got together
Little eyes aglow
Multi-colored candles burning
As the joyous songs were sung
How I miss the Menorah lights 
When we were all so young
Uncle Jake brought donuts by the dozen
He warned us that Aunt Bertha couldn't bake
But Uncle Hymie ate one singing Maoz Tzur
And that was Uncle Hymie's big mistake
Our parents stood there beaming as they called us
And handed us our presents one by one
Bathed in the light 
The Menorah burning bright
Sweet memories as brilliant as the sun
Where are those nights? Full of fun, full of lights
I can still hear their laughter and songs
But though they are gone, their spirit still lives on
For Bubby's love is still alive and strong
Those were the nights of Chanukah
Spent with family and friends
Filled with dreams and laughter
That we thought would never end
So cherish your moments together
It's what Bubby would have done 
And we wish a happy Chanukah
To everyone!
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