Have you ever felt, there's nowhere to turn?
Things seems confused, no one's concerned.
The times we live in are, oh, so dark,
A little faith, though, lights a spark,
Clears our vision, eases pain,
Hope arises again. Hope arises again
בסיעתא דשמיא, what ever I do,
When I need Him to help me, He'll always come through.
Never will I be alone,
With His help I can stand on my own.
I need סיעתא דשמיא, Whatever will be,
All the world that I hope for is open to me
I need Him to show me the way,
בסיעתא דשמיא.
Sometimes we feel the strength of our hand
can bring us success, but we don't understand.
It's not always the way it seems.
ה' alone provides our means,
And stands behind every circumstance.
No, it's not only by chance.
It's not only by chance.
בסיעתא דשמיא, what ever I do,
When I need Him to help me,
He'll always come through.
Never will I be alone,
With His help I can stand on my own.
I need סיעתא דשמיא, Whatever will be,
All the world that I hope for is open to me
I need Him to show me the way,
בסיעתא דשמיא.
Prayer after prayer, tear after tear,
Begging for help for heaven to hear.
When ה' is at our side,
Every door is open wide.
Our only hope is to look to the sky,
Where He waits for our cry.
Where He waits for our cry
בסיעתא דשמיא, what ever we do,
When we need Him to help us,
He'll always come through.
Never will we be alone,
With His help we can stand on our own.
We need סיעתא דשמיא, whatever will be,
All the world that we hope for is open, you'll see.
Just ask Him to show us the way,
בסיעתא דשמיא