
נהנה בננה / ננה בננה


Nana Banana

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: נטע, נתן גושן, סתיו בגר - Nathan Goshen, Netta Barzilai & Stav Beger

לחן: נטע, נתן גושן, סתיו בגר - Nathan Goshen, Netta Barzilai & Stav Beger

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

 I was sitting all day long in my pajama 
Eating peanut butter jelly with my mama 
Always fighting with myself just for the drama 
For the drama 
For the drama 

I see pushi pushi people all around now 
But my belly belly’s telling me to run now 
They keep asking me to shine just like the sun now 
Like the sun now 
But I don’t wanna 

Baby it’s so comfortable 
In my bubble I stay 
Always running away 
Cuz baby it’s so comfortable 
They keep calling my name 
I’m not hearing nothing 

NaNa BaNaNa 
I do what I wanna 

I keep picturing myself as if I’m rising 
And I’m Fanta Fanta Fanta fantasizing 
Boy I take my time I’m not apologizing 
Clock goes ticki tack on my belly on my back 

Baby it’s so comfortable 
In my bubble I stay 
Always running away 
Cuz baby it’s so comfortable 
They keep calling my name 
I’m not hearing nothing 
Cuz baby its so comfortable 
Baby it’s so comfortable 

Don’t save me
If you see me sleeping don’t wake me 
What you doing lately don’t ask me 
I know you think I’m wasting my time

NaNa BaNaNa 
I do what I wanna
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