
Night a Soul Was Saved


Night a Soul Was Saved

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: Ruvi New - Ruvi New

לחן: Ruvi New - Ruvi New

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

The Temple lay in ruins, it’s Holiness defiled Victim to the madness of a world gone wild Standing near the altar, not afraid to be seen She lashes out and strikes it, her words are so obscene
“ hungry wolf, how Israel’s wealth you devour Yet you don’t stand by them, in their most troubled hour” She’s the daughter of Bilgah, and wife of a Greek She’d abandoned her people, she despises the weak 
Chorus: Punished by the  priests, shunned from Above She traded  her people for a forbidden love Decrying the altar, did she have no shame? Now forever tarnished was the Bilgah name 
Many years have passed And thousands have appeared To sit before and hear the voice of a leader so revered But they were all surprised at the Rebbe’s words He had someone else in mind To stand up for this daughter of Bilga To set things right 
The people of your time thought you had strayed But you pounded the Altar, to defend the betrayed The voice of compassion, for a woman who dared To "`show"` her own people, that she really cared
Punished by the Priests , shunned from Above At last there was one, who had only words of love For two thousand years she carried her shame How she longed  for someone to liberate her name  
Roaming through time, had this tortured soul Nowhere to rest, nowhere to hide, no words to console Her time had  now come, to enter Heavens gates It took the words of one who cared, the night a soul was saved
Punished by the Priests , shunned from Above At last there was one, who had only words of love Her time had  now come, to enter Heavens gates From those words of comfort, the night a soul was saved
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