
I Think Im Gonna Like It Here 1999


I Think Im Gonna Like It Here 1999

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: - - -

לחן: - - -

עיבוד: אינטרפרטציה אישית

Cecille will pick out all your clothes 
[spoken] Green is her best color, no blue I think. 
Your bath is drawn by Mrs. Greer. 
[spoken] Soap…no, bubbles, I think. 
Annette comes in to make your bed.
[spoken] The silk, no the satin sheets, I think. 
I think I'm gonna like it here!
The swimming pool is to the left 
[spoken] Inside the house? Oh boy. 
The tennis court is in the rear 
[spoken] I never even picked up a racket. 
Have an instructor here at noon 
[spoken] Oh, and get that Don Budge fellow if he's available. 
I think I'm gonna like it here. 
When you wake Ring for Drake
Drake will bring your tray 
When you're through Mrs.Pugh
Comes and takes it away. 
No need to pick up any toys
[spoken] That's okay, I haven't got any anyway. 
No finger will you lift my dear
We have but one request
Please put us to the test 
I know I'm gonna like it here
Used to room in a tomb
Where i'd sit and freeze
Get me now, holy cow 
Could someone pinch me please. 
[spoken] She didn't mean it. 
[Singing] We've never had a little girl 
We've never had a little girl
We hope you understand Your wish is our command
I know I'm gonna like it here
We know you're gonna like It here
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