צרו קשר


תיקון עולם


Tikun Olam

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: נינה ויונתן טוקייר - Yoni & Nina Tokayer

לחן: נינה ויונתן טוקייר - Yoni & Nina Tokayer

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

You know the world isn’t perfect yet
And g-d left empty spaces
So that we could fix it up ourselves
There are sparks in the darkest places
So I dream about changing the world
When I grow up I’ll figure out how
But I think I can start even now…
‘Cause every step that I take
There’s a chance to do good
If I brighten someone’s day
I can light up the world 
I have so much to give
I can help someone out
And that’s what tikkun olam is all about
I can smile at a friend that’s sad, let her know I care
And I can thank my mom and dad, for always being there
I can give food and cloths to the poor
I can share when a friend comes through the door
I can pray that there won’t be any wars…
Ve’ahavta Lereacha Kamocha
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