



את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: Chayala Neuhaus - Chayala Neuhaus

לחן: Chayala Neuhaus - Chayala Neuhaus

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

I was there when it was breaking
To see the splinters floating down
I felt the weight of your world fracture
A thousand shards upon the ground
I saw you scramble to collect them
Those bits and pieces of yourself
To try to glue your life together
Put it back up on the shelf.

Somebody you used to be
Who knows if she's ever coming back
But I wonder when I’m looking at you
If you see what I see
Or only the cracks

Cuz you may feel broken
But you are beautiful
And you may feel weathered
But you are wiser now
Some scars are hidden
But do you know who you are?
Just picking the pieces up
And making you a work of art
Just picking the pieces up
Just picking the pieces up

To Do your best can feel pathetic
When all the world has front row seats
Hear their thoughts though no one said it
You feel them judging silently

You landed on the path that’s jagged
And others cruise the parts you climb
You took a space of desolation
And painted beauty every time

Somebody you used to be
Who knows if she's ever coming back
But I wonder when I’m looking at you
If you see what I see
Or only the cracks


Somehow your story created
Some kind of mosaic
Fragments of pain
And traces of tears
But the details in it
Nothing short of exquisite
You chose to stare down ruins and wreckage
And leave a master piece right there.

Cuz you may feel broken
But you are beautiful
And you may feel weathered
But you are wiser now
Some scars are hidden
But I hope you know who you are!
Just picking the pieces up
And making you a work of art
Just picking the pieces up
Just picking the pieces up

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