
The Connection Is YOU


The Connection Is YOU

את הפלייבק ניתן לקבל בכל הסולמות



קנה עכשיו

מילים: מרים ישראלי - Miriam Israeli

לחן: ייצי וואלדנר - Yitzy Waldner

עיבוד: נאמן למקור

There's a force that you can ignite
An electrifying surge of light
Oo oh
Deep in your soul
From creation to the end of time
The world is waiting just to to see you shine
Oh oh
You're part of a whole

Because you're the link in an unbroken chain
You're part of an eternal nation
Oh oh
Spreading your glow
And the story's incomplete without your name
You power up the generations
Oh oh
Don't let it go

The connection is you
And whatever you'll be
Is gonna change history
It's vital to see
That the connection is you
So believe in yourself
There's nobody else
That can do it so well
The connection is you

Don't imagine you can stay behind
We're a nation that is intertwined
Oh oh
All over the globe
Not a single Yid can be left out
Cuz together's what it's all about
Oh oh
Sharing a goal

Hinei ma tov sheves achim gam yachad
United we can do it better
Oh oh
That's how we grow
It's a kesher shel kayama adei ad
A bond that will remain forever
Oh oh
Carry the hope

The connection is you
And whatever you'll be
Is gonna change history
It's vital to see
That the connection is you
So believe in yourself
There's nobody else
That can do it so well
The connection is you

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